Wednesday 18 June 2014

A Blog Neglected

You may have noticed that it has been quite some time since I last posted anything. Much to my chagrin I have not made the time to post lately. This year one of my goals was to post something at least once a fortnight, but as the saying goes "the best laid plans of mice and men...".

Life seems to have gotten extremely busy lately. So much so that most of my creative efforts have gone completely out the window in favour of one overarching project that has taken over my families life: renovations. That's right, we decided to renovate our house. Now, I'm not talking a small renovation, I'm talking major work. Removing walls, completely redoing the kitchen, taking out our existing bathroom and combining the bathroom into the existing laundry.

On top of the renovations we have been dealing with some other events in our house. Namely, sickness of one kind or another amongst all of us, my youngest (Matthew) burning his hands, my husband commencing a new job and now myself undertaking additional duties (and one extra day a fortnight) of extra work.

So whilst I miss the creativity in my life at the moment, I honestly don't know where I'd fit it in!

SO, in the coming weeks expect new blogs on a more regular basis as I try to put more focus on that area of my life. You can expect one on the renovation, one on the burns episode (as it shall forevermore be known) and one on trying to juggle work/life balance.

See you soon!

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