Wednesday 20 March 2013

Sock Owl

Well, I made my first attempt at a sock owl. It isn’t perfect, but it is a good start. (Excuse the poorly photoshopped photo - I'm still learning how to use photoshop!)

I used felt and buttons for the eyes and beak. The wings are made from sock and from fleece material. It turns out, that sewing the two different types of material together wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be – I don’t have a lot of experience – and so the wings are a bit… special. I’m also not happy with how the shape of the wings turned out either. I’m sure the next one will be better, that’s for sure!

The owl is approximately 13cm tall, approximately 10cm wide (measured between the owls ‘horns’) and is stuffed full of love. I wouldn’t normally use such plain socks either, but I didn’t want to use my nice socks on a prototype!

Speaking of socks, I received a new bundle of socks in the mail today – super exciting! 

I’ve already started work on my next project… a sock zebra! The socks are perfect, and I can adapt my sock monkey pattern to suit a zebra. I hope it turns out well.


  1. I think the owl is super cute Erin! Very good for a first attempt, looking forward to seeing the next one.
    This post kinda reminds me of one my first blog posts when I tried making a panda from fondant for the first time a few years ago, though I think your owl turned out better lol

  2. Hey Charmayne,

    I'm not so sure about that - I think your pandas turned out really well :)

