Sunday 9 June 2013

Exhaustion - Thy Name is International Travel...With Kids!

Well, we have arrived in Canada! And boy, what a journey! I was travelling with my mum as Chris is away for work and joining us later. She was a godsend as she looked after Jeffrey and I looked after Matthew.

(Jeffrey ready to leave in the morning)
Since we live in Perth it is quite a long way to get to Toronto in Canada. First, we flew to Sydney (3.5 hour flight), then we had a quick change over onto a flight to Los Angeles, USA (12.5 hour flight). Once we were in LA, we stayed overnight to help us all get some rest, then on the next day to Toronto (4.5 hour flight). To say the least, the trip was interesting. Our flight out of Perth was leaving at 0555, which meant we had to be at the airport at no later that 0500, which meant we had to leave home by 0430 – which meant we had to get poor Jeffrey out of bed at 0420. He was pretty good about it though.

(Jeffrey watching some tv)
Overall, the kids were very well behaved whilst we were in transit – Matthew being very easy, and Jeffrey not too bad, just overtired. The hardest thing was getting Jeffrey to sleep on the long haul flight from Sydney. We had the seats behind the bulkhead of the plane so that we had use of the sky-cot for Matthew. The airline had blocked out the middle seat between my mum and myself so that we had an extra seat for Jeffrey. This was all very well and good, except on these seats the armrests are fixed, so Jeffrey had to sleep on top of my mum and he had difficulty going to sleep as it wasn’t the most comfortable of positions. It was great to have a tablet with us that we had loaded some of Jeffrey's favourite videos onto - it was the only way we could get him to go to sleep.

 (Matthew having play time in the sky-cot)
 (Jeffrey sleeping on Grandma)
(Matthew sleeping in the sky-cot)

We have now been here at my Grandparents for a couple of days and are slowly turning our clocks around. Mum and I are taking longer to adjust than the kids as we are the ones having to get up and assist them during the night. Which is why this picture was taken of me unawares!
(Me, crashed out accidentally whilst gazing at Matthew!)


  1. Naww enjoy your trip guys and gals! :)

  2. Stephanie Anile9 June 2013 at 21:57

    Give my fav little boys big cuddles xx and you are your mum are stars!
