Wednesday 25 September 2013

Christmas is Coming!

Not much is going in in the land of sock animals as I’m waiting on some socks I ordered to arrive (still! Mind you, England is far away). So instead, I’m busy building up stock of animal types that I already make.

In the mean time – I have started thinking about Christmas. I know, I know, some of you (especially my husband) will be thinking “but it’s only September!”. And you’re right, it is early to be thinking Christmas, however it is my favourite time of the year. Also, if I am sending gifts to my family in Canada, I need to do that soon in order to make sure they arrive on time.

So this year Jeffrey will be making Christmas ornaments for family and as predictable as that is for his age, it has been so much fun making them! So far we have made two batches of ornaments. One has been made of salt dough (still need to find a recipe that I like), and one made from Das.

For those of you who don’t know, Das is a paper modelling clay. The reason I used the Das is because I just happened to have some in the house, so I figured we should use it. Not something I am going to do again! It was stiff and unmalleable, making it difficult to roll out flat to cut out the shapes. We used regular cookie cutters to cut out the shapes and acrylic paint to paint them. To finish off, we will simply add ribbon to hang from the tree!


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