Saturday 28 September 2013

Super mum? I think not...

So on Friday, I had a particularly productive day and was feeling pretty proud of myself. I managed a trip to the pharmacy, grocery store and pet store. Cooked a batch of chicken noodle soup and a batch of risotto, defrosted the freezer, reorganised the fridge and even had a nap. All while caring for my two boys, one of whom was pretty sick.

Now, before we all go and start heaping on the congratulations for being such an awesome mum, I want to take a minute to praise the man who made all this possible. My husband, Chris.

Every second Friday, Chris has a day off as he works a nine day fortnight (which I might say is super awesome). When after having gotten up at 5:20am with Jeffrey (who was unwell), I went in to Chris at 7am and demanded sleep, he got out of bed and took over the kids. He let me sleep until 10:30am! When Jeffrey woke from his nap with a coughing fit, Chris went straight in to him, and when Jeffrey proceded to projectile vomit all over the carpet, he happily handed him to me to clean up and calm down... And then proceded to immediately get a bucket and cleaning supplies, and clean up mass amounts of vomit from the carpet.

He was in charge of the kids while I did my running around, and my cooking etc. And he also did the laundry.

I often don't tell my husband how wonderful he is because I am too busy focussing on the little things, like how it drives me mad when he leaves his clothes on the floor beside the bed instead of putting them away or in the laundry. But Friday really reminded me of what a fantastic man, partner and father Chris is.

Big hugs and kisses to my wonderful husband, and I can only hope all women are blessed with the same.

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