Monday 15 July 2013

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig!

Well, we are back home again finally! We have actually been back in Perth for a week, but have been staying at my parents house as my mum was kind enough to offer to help me get the kids clocks turned back to Perth time. Thanks mum!

The journey home took the kids, my mum and I longer than everyone else as we decided to break up the journey with a couple of stops to give the kids a break. So we had a 2 hour flight from Kalispell (Montana, USA) to Denver (Colorado), a couple of hours lay-over, then a 3 hour flight from Denver to Las Angeles (California), where we stopped for the night. The next day we took a flight to Sydney (New South Wales, Australia) – this was the long haul flight of 14 hours. We then had another stop for the night before our 5 hour flight home to Perth. You know those kids on flights who scream the whole time? All I can say is thank God my kids aren’t those kids!

I learnt several things travelling with my two children under two:
1: We would have been better off not using the sky-cot. The problem with using the sky-cot when you have an older child with you as well as an infant is that you cannot lift the armrests on the seats behind the bulk-head. You also are constantly having to go in and out of the overhead lockers to access your things since you can’t have them at your feet.
2: Travelling with an infant who needs formula for the flight is a serious pain in the bum compared to breast feeding! Cleaning bottles is a problem, and you have to have the tin of formula on the plane with you taking up space. Not only that, but you end up spending more time going through security at the airport since they have to scan any made up formula or pre-measured water.
3: Don’t bother with books or activities for the toddler if you have a tablet with games and movies on it. You just end up hauling around these things and not using them.
4: Thank God for the tablet with games and movies on it! It was our life-saver when Jeffrey was over-tired and losing the plot.

Now that we are home I have to do all the unpacking, laundry, shopping, cooking and getting back to regular life. This is also going to have to include a trip to the doctor for Matthew to get his next round of vaccinations poor love.

We had a wonderful time while we were away seeing all of our family – but it never feels like enough time.

I’m hoping to get settled back in to regular life within the next week and back to my crafts. I’m super excited to show you what I picked up while I was away!!! Stay tuned to see!

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