Sunday 21 July 2013

New Goals and This Week's Accomplishments

So while I was away I made some cool purchases. Two items I purchased were little books on how to knit and crochet ‘sock’ monkey’s! Super cool, right? 

One of my goals as a sewer/handcrafter is to learn new skills and undertake new projects. Currently I only know how to knit in a straight line, with a basic stitch, and I have never crocheted before in my life. So, now I have a new skill or two which I am going to learn. Step one – learn to crochet. My Nan-in-law has kindly agreed to give me crochet lessons and I’m going to be starting them with her soon. So excited!

The other cool purchases that I made were… you guessed it… more socks! Well, I can’t help myself, I was in America and they just had so many cool socks, for so much cheaper than what I can buy them for here. So – are 60 pairs of socks too many to buy on a holiday?
Now that I am back home I have also done a reorganisation of my craft supplies and this included an inventory of the socks that I have in stock. I did a count and I have 177 pairs of socks – best get cracking to use them!

This week I also finished off my sock ‘clown’ monkey. I think he is quite cute in his own way. He may not look entirely like a clown but I think his little afro adds to his charm. The reason he ended up with an afro is because when I sewed his hair on I didn’t like the original loop style of hair that I did – so he got a haircut!

Another thing that I have managed to accomplish this week was to finally create a logo/banner for myself. You can see it now at the top of the page. The handprints that are used in the background are actually my kids handprints. Jeffrey had a great time making them – Matthew, well he didn’t really care but wasn’t the most cooperative.

All in all a busy week – lets hope the coming one is just as productive.


  1. Wow Erin, he's gorgeous!.

    1. Thanks Annie! I have 2 more pairs of socks like this, not sure if should make another like him or not.
