Saturday 2 November 2013

Bravery Rewarded

I took it upon myself recently to look into what was involved in entering an item or two into our local show. It turns out it was super easy and only cost $1 per entry. Then came the hard part, do I enter or not? After umming and ahhing for a while and asking the opinions of my mum and my hubby, I decided to go for it. I mean, the worst that happens is that I don't win anything and my ego is bruised - but regardless of the outcome it is a learning experience.

So, I entered. There were lots of categories listed and picking the correct one wasn't as easy as it would seem. This is because the description of categories was quite vague. I thought that I would fit in amongst the 'sewing' and 'toys' sections. Turns out I was wrong! Because what I do isn't knitting, crochet, bears or machine sewing, I had to enter in the category of 'handicrafts' and the section of 'other'. If I had entered anything else there was a high risk that my entry wouldn't be judged as it didn't fit the correct criteria.

So I filled out my form, transferred my entry fee and entered. The Canning Show (which is my local show) was on this weekend and today we went on a little family outing to check it out. And what a pleasant surprise when we went into the craft exhibition, I had won first prize!

There you go. A little bravery and hard work paid off. Next time maybe I'll aim to enter in the Royal Show and see how that goes.

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